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The SaaS Business Model Explained

  Software as a Service (SaaS) is a revolutionary business model that has transformed the way software is developed, delivered, and consumed. It refers to a method of delivering software applications over the internet on a donation basis, allowing users to access the software via a web browser without the need for installation or maintenance. Understanding the SaaS Model: 1. Subscription-Based Access: SaaS operates on a subscription model where customers pay a recurring fee, usually on a monthly or annual basis, to access the software. This predictable revenue stream benefits both customers and providers, ensuring a steady income for the provider while offering flexibility to users. 2. Accessibility and Convenience: SaaS applications are hosted on the provider's servers and accessed over the internet. Users can expediently access the software from anywhere with an internet connection and often from various devices, making it highly accessible and adaptable to different wo...

The dangers of using public Wi-Fi networks

Fortunately, there are ways to protect the movements we make on the network,  and in this article, we will find enough information to understand and implement various security methods to use in a public Wi-Fi network,  and in this way, avoid being just another number in statistics.

Basically,  Wi-Fi networks operate on public radio frequencies that can be accessed by any device in the vicinity, and unfortunately, this condition means that the information packets that travel over it can be easily captured by anyone who has the equipment and the devices. Required applications.

It is for this reason that hackers can, with relative ease, take any information they deem sensitive from virtually any public Wi-Fi hotspot of their choice, including airports, hotels, terminals, and other locations.

Through a series of simple techniques and applications that most of the times are downloaded for free and legally from the Internet,  network criminals can obtain email addresses, passwords and read

Encrypted messages and even obtain the keys of access that we use to log into social networking sites and the like. Among them are the following:

HTML, POP3, and instant messaging capture: Another method used by these cybercriminals to obtain information about what we do or where we access is the capture of web pages, a  technique that is carried out by means of software for analyzing packets of WI-FI networks,  which allows hackers to rebuild these senseless HTML data packets into the actual pages we have been browsing, with the consequent danger.

Although the page format is not adequate,  the important thing is that criminals have enough information to do what they really want, and they know our browsing preferences.


The same happens with email since when using mail servers through the POP3 protocol without encryption,  a criminal could easily obtain our access codes to the mail, in addition, to obviously the message sent. Smart Pill


The most unfortunate thing about all this is that you do not have to be an expert hacker or a CIA employee to be able to spy on someone; you just have to download the appropriate applications, a little patience and have the necessary audacity to do so.  It is so simple that we may not even realize that someone else is entering our digital life.

Access capture to FTP servers: If we are one of the users who still trust the FTP system to share content,  we have to be very careful when connecting through a public Wi-Fi network,  especially if the connection is not secure, since most of the times the information for the login to these servers is sent without any type of encryption and in plain text,  which ensures that whoever wishes to appropriate these credentials will be able to do so with 100% success.

Account hijacking: Whenever we talk about computer security, we think that only the field of computers is affected by this type of situation.  Totally wrong. Mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and notebooks can also be spied on. And we can spy through them too, which means you don't need powerful equipment to be able to jeopardize the safety of the unsuspecting.

In the Android mobile operating system, there are several applications that have been designed with the purpose of spying on our content and contacts, obviously disguised as another type of harmless apps such as battery savers and memory optimizers, which compile detailed reports about the logins that users make to websites and services,  and although it is not able to obtain either the user or the password to access them, it is fed by a known vulnerability that allows taking advantage of a session in the progress of another user,  and the consequent full access to said account.

However, great efforts by Google to stop these problems have resulted in a significant decrease in these types of threats.

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